Teaching & Courses

EIGHT WEEKS documentary workshop



During the term, students prepare small cinematic exercises and conceive and complete short documentary films that enact their encounters with the city. A collection of transgressive experiments attempts to move beyond one’s comfort zone and to step outside of one’s skin.

Course content

» Your course helped me see the world around me in filmic terms. Your careful attention to the details in every shot of my exercises showed me how important every image is in telling a story. You taught me to create an emotional space with my films rather than just giving information. «

Ruby Emberling, Harvard University, Harvard Summer School 2014

» Eva has a remarkable ability to make you see the world as a filmmaker; to get into a mind set in which you appreciate every detail and connection you see, which helped me enormously in improving my work. «

Ben Chabanon, Harvard University, Harvard Summer School 2014

» We were so blessed to have you, you left us with a package of knowlegde. «

Ndimbira Claudine Shenge, Kwetu Film Institute, Summer Programm 2015

Please get in touch for more information on conditions and requirements. I'm looking forward to working with you!